Sunday, September 29, 2013

Media Monday

Welcome to my first Media Monday post! I've decided to start a series detailing what I read, watched, and listened to during the previous week. I have a horror and gore movie obsession so you will probably be seeing a lot of those kinds of movies reviewed here, but it certainly won't be limited to that genre. Well, here we go!

What I read: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Photo from Wikipedia
I am a huge HP nerd and am finally re-reading the entire series after reading them for the first time over ten years ago. If you thought this was strictly a child or teens book I can promise you that people of all ages have and will continue to enjoy this series for many, many years to come. If for some crazy reason you've never picked up a Harry Potter book, don't even finish this sentence, just run to your nearest library or bookstore and get reading. You will not regret it.

What I watched: Lost, the TV series
Photo from
Yes, I know I'm years behind on this one. But Lost popped up on Netflix one day and I just recently decided to sit down and give the show a try. I'm really glad I did because I'm HOOKED. This show has everything you could ever want: drama, romance, suspense, sci-fi, danger, great characters, and plenty of hot shirtless men. I laugh, I cry, I yell at my computer screen. The only bad part is that I know the series eventually ends, but I will worry about that when the time comes, and then inevitably find another series to fall in love with and then cry when it ends of gets cancelled out of nowhere (ahem, United States of Tara).

Well that about sums last week up. I listened to lots of country on the radio so I don't really have anything new or exciting to discuss in the music department, but stay posted for there will be many more Mondays, and plenty more Media Mondays to come!


  1. OMG I KNOW RIGHT about united states of tara!!! Anyway love some of the changes you've made! and love this idea of media monday.

    1. I fell in love with that show and I just wanted to die after the last season, the way they just left us hanging! And thank you! I'm glad you like it!

    2. Oh crap you make me not want to finish it! Im actually on the last season now on netflix. Once I realized they cancel it out of the blue I started taking my time lol it's such a good show! I don't know what I'll do when it's over especially if you're saying it's a horrible cliffhanger!!

  2. Hi Alaina, I love your name by the way! I saw that you followed me on Bloglovin so I have stopped by to follow back and check out your blog. I use to watch Lost but then I got lost when I saw the polar bear lol I stopped watching early on. I do watch The walking dead which I can't wait for, and I think I am going to watch Breaking Bad on Nextflix since I missed that entirely.

    Feel free to stop by anytime.

    1. Hey thanks Erica! I am a huge Walking dead and Breaking Bad fan! I can't for the new walking dead season, if you didn't know Breaking Bad just ended a day or two ago. I watched all the seasons on Netflix except for the last which obviously hasn't been posted yet, but it's a must see. It's ridiculously good!
